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Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2023

Life styles in current years

  Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. –  Soren Kierkegaard Life in the actual world in 2020 was marked by a unique set of challenges and changes.  The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continued to influence daily life, with many countries implementing various measures such as lockdowns, social distancing, and mask mandates to curb the spread of the virus. Scientific advancements, most notably the development and distribution of vaccines, offered hope for controlling the pandemic . Living conditions can vary widely depending on factors such as your location, socio-economic status, cultural context, and personal circumstances. Housing: Access to suitable housing can differ significantly. Some may enjoy comfortable homes with modern amenities, while others might struggle with inadequate or unstable housing situations. Healthcare: Healthcare quality and access can vary greatly between regions. Some may have access to advanced medical care, while others may face

Life styles 60 years ago

“The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn't the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility.”  ―  John Lennon   In the 1950s and 1960s a child was allowed freedoms unheard of today. At weekends and during school holidays, it was quite normal for a child to go out to play after breakfast, return for a quick lunch and then not be seen again until tea time, when as often as not they would arrive home with scraped knees and torn or muddy clothes. World War Two had left large areas of the towns and cities devastated following German bombing raids. These bomb sites had been largely cleared but still lay barren – perfect for making dens! There were no daytime TV programmes except for sport on a Saturday afternoon so children had to make their own fun. Those with bikes would cycle for miles, heading for the countryside or if in the city, the larger parks with their mix of neat flower beds, large grassy lawns and woo

Young people and technology

 " It can often seem like teenagers are using technology and the internet for a large part of the day. It’s hard to know where the line falls between safe, rewarding use and overuse of technology. This page can help you to find out more about how your child uses technology, whether they are using it responsibly, and when there might be a problem with how they are spending their time online." These benefits include access to education, training, and jobs, which can help break intergenerational cycles of poverty, and access to news and information sources that can help protect their health, safety, and rights.  Child sex offenders have increased access to children through unprotected social media profiles and online gaming forums.  Young people are not only at risk from adult exploitation; children can also obtain sexual or intimate photos of a peer and share them with or without the individual's consent.  Concerns have also been raised about the time children spend using d

Old people and technology

  As new technologies continue to enter our lives at a breakneck pace—many designed by those at the younger end of the age spectrum—what does that mean for this large cadre of people?  “Augmenting support and enabling individual autonomy are uppermost in my mind when I think about designing technology for older adults,” said Wendy A. ” The COVID-19 pandemic has made it additionally clear that a comfortable relationship with technology is an important need for older adults, as evidenced by the difficulty many have had in registering for vaccines online and by the way technology has helped mitigate loneliness during a difficult time, said Sara J. America`s seniors have historically been late adopters to the world of technology compared to their younger compatriots, but their movement into digital life continues to deepen, according to newly released data from the Pew Research Center. In this report, we take advantage of a particularly large survey to conduct a unique exploration not only

Old people in actual world

  “Listen to your elder’s advice. Not because they are always right but because they have more experiences of being wrong.” - Melchor Lim Most people fail to understand the importance of elderly people in society. They are the ones who preserve the traditional and cultural values present in any ethnic group or community. Without them teaching the younger generations about their culture, the diversity of traditions and cultures in India would have been long lost during the time of colonization. Moreover, elders are like the roots of the tree. They hold the family firmly at all times and make them strong. They are the ideal mentor. From all the experiences they have accumulated over the years, they can judge a situation and give constructive advice to their children. They also play an important role in solving disputes among the family members. Elderly people play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. They spend time with them, play with them, and teach them important ru

Young people in actual world

The world of young people is sometimes different from the real world. But, it is a beautiful one. Young people are free souls. They are full of dreams, passions and youth. They have limitless possibilities inside of them. They chase their passions and dreams. And they are making huge changes. Sometimes I become amazed when I see young people are making a difference or trying to do that. The way young people see the world is different from adults. But young people follow their own souls, and they do what they want. That`s why sometimes they can make a difference where adults cannot. Young people try to change the world and make it a better place passionately. They are working on serious topics like mental health, climate change, education, ending violence, feminism, equality, and encouraging other youngsters to do that. They are finding and raising their voices. These kinds of projects touched the hearts of millions of young people around the world. In Voices of Youth, it`s amazing to s

Life stages

“ life is a journey comprised of various stages, each characterized by unique challenges, opportunities, and experiences. While the specifics of these stages may vary from person to person and culture to culture ” Infancy: This is the stage from birth to around 2 years old. Infants are completely dependent on others for their care and development. They learn to crawl, walk, and develop basic motor skills. Early Childhood: This stage typically encompasses ages 3 to 6. Children begin to develop language skills, social interactions, and basic cognitive abilities. Early childhood education and play are crucial for their development. Middle Childhood: Around ages 7 to 12, children enter middle childhood. They continue to refine their social skills, cognitive abilities, and start formal education. Friendships and peer relationships become more important during this stage. Adolescence: This stage spans from around ages 13 to 19. Adolescents go through significant physical, emotional, and psyc