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Life stages

life is a journey comprised of various stages, each characterized by unique challenges, opportunities, and experiences. While the specifics of these stages may vary from person to person and culture to culture

  1. Infancy: This is the stage from birth to around 2 years old. Infants are completely dependent on others for their care and development. They learn to crawl, walk, and develop basic motor skills.

    1. Early Childhood: This stage typically encompasses ages 3 to 6. Children begin to develop language skills, social interactions, and basic cognitive abilities. Early childhood education and play are crucial for their development.

      Middle Childhood: Around ages 7 to 12, children enter middle childhood. They continue to refine their social skills, cognitive abilities, and start formal education. Friendships and peer relationships become more important during this stage.

      1. Adolescence: This stage spans from around ages 13 to 19. Adolescents go through significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes. They seek independence, develop their identity, and often experience peer pressure.

        1. Middle Adulthood: Middle adulthood typically covers ages 40 to 64. During this stage, individuals may experience significant life events such as career advancements, parenthood, and reevaluating life goals. They may also face the challenges of aging parents and other responsibilities.

        2. Late Adulthood: This stage typically begins around age 65 and continues through old age. Individuals may retire from their careers and focus on leisure activities, travel, and spending time with family and friends. Physical health and wellness may become more critical concerns during this stage.

        3. End of Life: This final stage occurs when an individual is nearing the end of their life. It may involve reflection, coming to terms with mortality, and addressing personal and spiritual matters.
